There's something about the shift in season that awakens the crafter within. The summer is about sketching in the open air. The Autumn is for sitting in a cosy nook, fire crackling, with a craft project at your lap.

The seasonal crafting buzz will ultimately unfold into festive card writing and gift wrap making but, for now, it's about the creation of gifts for the loved ones and the home.
The garden lavender has recently been trimmed and set about to dry. This seems a perfect place to start our craft. Ratty Golightly Lavender Pillows are crafted out of the softest linen that is hand printed with a linoprint before being stitched and stuffed with heady English Lavender.
If you'd like to create your own Lavender bag but are panicked at the thought of

sewing, then I have a plan. Read on for a simple way of creating something completely by yourself.
You'll need:
1 piece of fabric (approx 30x30cm)
1 side plate
scissors (preferably pinking shears as they'll help prevent fraying of the fabric)
small pot of dried lavender (approx 30g)
1 elastic band
1 30cm length of contrasting ribbon
Draw around the plate onto the fabric
Carefully cut around the line. You'll want as neat and edge as possible.
Voila! You have a lovely circle of fabric.
4. Pour a small amount of dried lavender onto the centre of the circle.
5. Gather the sides of the circle up around the lavender. Secure with an elastic band.
6. Cover the elastic band with a the piece of ribbon and tie in a pretty bow.

See, I told you it was easy! These pretty little Lavender bags will sit happily in drawers or atop your folded linen on shelves. Place one on your pillow during the day to leave a sweet scent to aid sleep.
If you're looking for a supply of dried lavender, I love the supplies of Yorkshire Lavender. They also stock a range of delicious toiletries too.
The Lavender here is appropriately displayed in one of my new Queen Bee Print jugs. There are three sizes of jug - this is the handy 1/2pt size. Click here to see it.
Don't forget other fabulously simple yet rewarding crafts. The art of letter writing can be so relaxing when there's time to immerse yourself in the task. Now's the time to get ahead with your Christmas card writing and enjoy creating little lines of text at a gentle pace before the other seasonal tasks overwhelm.
The Twelve Dogs of Christmas Cards are available now.
Happy Crafting and please share your makes on instagram and tag @rattygolightly and use hashtag #rattygolightly.
See you again soon